Tubal ligation surgery involves closing off a woman’s fallopian tubes. It essentially entails getting one’s “tubes tied”, thus blocking the egg from traveling to the uterus for potential fertilization. A woman may choose this procedure to ensure she does not get pregnant for the first time or after already having a desired number of children. Fortunately, the procedure is not permanent; should a woman change her mind, tubal ligation reversal surgery reopens the fallopian tubes, thus making it possible for the egg to reach the uterus. If you are up for traveling to Mexico for tubal ligation reversal, you can expect to pay much less than the price quoted by an American doctor.
Why Get Tubal Ligation Reversal?
After tubal ligation, some women may simply change their mind about having kids. While their motivation to have their tubes tied originally is prevention of child-bearing, they might decide later on in life to further their family. In this case, tubal ligation reversal surgery is necessary.
In some instances, a woman may experience what is known as tubal ligation syndrome, or post-tubal ligation syndrome. During post-tubal ligation syndrome a woman may suffer from mood swings, irritability and hot flashes. More physically identifiable symptoms of tubal ligation syndrome include heavy periods due to hormonal imbalances and occasional ectopic pregnancy.
Even if a woman has not changed her mind about having kids, she may still want to consider having a tubal ligation reversal in order to alleviate the symptoms of post-tubal ligation syndrome.
Going to Mexico for Surgery
As mentioned above, tubal ligation reversal in Mexico is much cheaper than it is in the United States of America. After having already paid for tubal ligation, the thought of shelling out another few thousands of dollars to reverse the surgery probably doesn’t sound all that appealing. Instead, consider traveling to Mexico for tubal ligation reversal surgery at about half the cost.
What to Expect in Mexico?
If you have never been a medical tourist, then you may not know what to expect during your medical trip. The idea may even seem frightening, but don’t worry; traveling to Mexico for surgery can be safe and easy. Of course, the onus of choosing the hospital and doctor who are right for you is on you.
You will find that many of the hospitals and clinics in Mexico offering tubal ligation surgery are clean, comfortable and hospitable. Many of the staff members will speak fluent English and have ample experience in serving international clients, which will make your medical trip to Mexico smooth and simple.
When you travel to Mexico for tubal ligation reversal, you have the option of staying only during the procedure or extending your trip into a holiday. A trip to Mexico can be the adventure of a lifetime or a complete rest and rejuvenation experience, depending on what you prefer. During your tubal ligation reversal in Mexico, you can visit sandy beaches, check out ancient ruins, and eat the best Mexican food you’ve ever had. If taking a vacation in Mexico doesn’t sound all that great to you, then you can return home to the USA after spending the requisite rest time in your chosen hospital after surgery.